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Shirley Man-Kin Leung

Collaborator - Community Space Holder

Shirley Man-Kin identifies as a queer, asian-american woman of color. She lives and works as a community organizer and yoga teacher on the homelands of Cheyenne, Arapaho, and Ute nations, also known as northern colorado. Shirley spends a lot of her time desperately trying to meld together two (artificially) separated worlds- the body work/spiritual realm and social movement organizing. She’s combining her skills and knowledge from ethnic studies, women and gender studies and community organizing with her deepest passion (breath work, meditation and yoga) to try to create something that can be transformative, healing and (gasp) pleasurable for her community.When not being self- referential in a bio, you can find her playing with her dogs, biking around town, taking naps, or reading a book. 

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